LLP Lung Cancer Risk Model

The LLP Lung Cancer Risk Model provides an estimate of the probability that an individual, with a specified combination of risk factors, will develop lung cancer within a 5-year period. All risk factors are gathered by questionnaire

The LLP risk model was generated using data from 579 lung cancer cases and 1157 age- and sex-matched population-based controls (Cassidy et al., British Journal of Cancer2008, 98(2):270-6). It has been validated using data from two large, independent international studies (Raji et al., Annals of Internal Medicine 2012, 157(4):242-50).

Risk prediction models for lung cancer are useful for selecting people at highest risk for screening trials. The LLP risk model has been used to select individuals for the UKLS lung cancer screening trial (Field et al., Health Technol Assess 2016, 20(40):1-146; Field et al., Thorax 2016, 71(2):161-70)

Version 2 of the LLP risk model (LLPv2) was validated as part of the UKLS trial, using data from almost 76,000 individuals; an updated LLPv3 model was also validated, and provides a more accurate assessment of absolute lung cancer risk (Field et al., Thorax 2021, 76:161-168).

A licence for use of the LLP risk model is available from the University of Liverpool.

My lung Risk

MyLungRisk is an easy to use on-line lung cancer risk prediction questionnaire, which can calculate your risk of developing lung cancer over the next five years, based on the Liverpool Lung Project risk model.

The MyLungRisk Questionnaire has been developed for use by individuals aged 50 to 79 years and is based on age, gender, smoking duration, family history of lung cancer, previous history of pneumonia, previous diagnosis of cancer and exposure to asbestos. The questionnaire can be completed by non-smokers, former smokers and current smokers.

The current MyLungRisk is based on the LLPv2 and can be found HERE (previously is the model being used in the NHS Targeted Lung Health check programme.

The more accurate LLPv3 lung cancer risk calculator is also provided HERE.

Both lung cancer risk calculators are provided here for RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY, clinical decisions should be based on lung cancer risk models provided by healthcare providers.

The LLP lung cancer risk models (LLPv2 and LLPv3) have been registered with the UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) by the University of Liverpool (Reference 16607).

Registration does not represent any form of accreditation, certification or approval by the UK Competent Authority (MHRA).